It’s beginning to look a lot like… a Cheshire Christmas! We’re gearing up for our most favorite time of year and we can’t help but think of our favorite things that make this season even better. No Christmas table (or stocking for that matter) is complete without #CheshirePork products! Sit back with your cup of hot chocolate, Hallmark movies, and cozy blanket - here’s our Christmas must-have round up!

Porterhouse Loin Roast

One of our favorite cuts for a gathering is our Porterhouse Loin Roast. Cut from whole loins, our Porterhouse short loin roast is separated from the 10 rib rack and is approximately 6.5 inches in length. It includes the portion of the loin with tenderloin on one side of the T-bone, and is ready to be cut into the most beautiful chops. So tender and juicy. For our favorite recipe and to order one for your table, check here.

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NC Pig Flag Socks

The most pigtastic stocking stuffer out there! The pig loving man or woman in your life needs these cozy socks this Christmas. Roll them up with a candy cane and you’ll be set for the perfect gift idea.

Shop them here.

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Bacon, Bacon, and more Bacon

Christmas morning isn’t complete without Cheshire bacon! It goes perfectly with that french toast casserole, scrambled eggs, or grits. Pro tip: cook your bacon in the oven! It gets just a crispy in the oven as it does in a skillet and you don’t have to babysit it while the kids are opening their gifts from Santa. Line your cookie sheet with aluminum foil, lay your bacon down on the foil, pop in the oven at 400º for 15-20 minutes depending on how crispy you like it. No flipping required!

Shop bacon here.

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Pig Swag

Has the pig lover in your life been dropping hints about wanting some #PigSwag for Christmas? (Hint hint, if you’ve been tagged in a comment on one of our Facebook pictures, that’s your clue!) We’ve got something for every NC Pig lover out there.

Shop pig swag here.

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Boston Butt

All I want for Christmas is some real good barbecue! Those smokers have never been so sweet as family gathers around waiting for the Boston Butt to finish at family gatherings. Let’s be honest, that’s where some of the best memories are made! We love any reason to eat good barbecue, especially if family and Christmas are involved.

Shop our Boston Butts here.

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