New Year, New Products

As we welcome in another New Year, don’t forget about our NEW products now available to you! We have added quite a few new products to our website, and below are just a few of them. We have quite the variety to choose from, from sweets, to our very own Cheshire Pork, to healthier jams, jellies, and spreads. Check these out.


We’re so excited to announce our newest category, Cakes & Sweets! Here we have Katz Donuts, Chocolate Heaven Banana Breads, and Chocolate Heaven Cakes. Below are a few of the tasty Chocolate Heaven sweets for your mouths to water over. Chocolate Heaven Banana Bread, Bourbon Walnut Banana Bread, Chocolate Cake, and Coffee Cake. Which do you prefer?


We now carry our Irish Bangers in one pound packs! Our traditional Irish style fresh sausage is made with lots of pork and just a little bread, and beautifully seasoned with sage, white pepper, mace & ginger. Mild yet very flavorful, Irish Bangers are a favorite with mashed potatoes and peas.

If you’d still like to purchase our 4oz Irish Bangers in bulk, they are available here. If you are interested in our 1oz Irish Bangers in bulk, they are available here.


You asked, we answered! We now carry our Cheshire Pork All Natural Ground Pork in one pound packs! Our Ground Pork comes unseasoned with an average ratio of 80 percent lean, 20 percent fat. You can use it for meatballs, patties, fillings, ravioli, turnovers, meat pies, or sauces. The possibilities are endless!

Take note, this is different from our Cheshire Pork All Natural Ground Pork Sausage, which is mildly seasoned with premium spices.


Did you know we have a grocery section on our website? There you will find sauces, rubs, jams, cakes, gourmet pre-made meals, and so much more. Good Good Jams, Jellies, and Spreads are our newest addition to our preserves section! They are the perfect alternative to the sugar-packed jams we choose everyday, with no sugar added, gluten-free, non GMO, and being keto and vegan friendly. They include only natural sugars from real fruits! Check them out here.

Jennifer Parks